...aka the home base of the ever-egotistical charlie, who can't stop making html pages just to talk about herself and slap images of childe everywhere.this version [v3 ?!] is once again made from scratch by yours truly, and will forever remain unpolished. probably.
'why are the headings in russian?' i hear you ask. 'why the hell is there some anime boy everywhere?' and possibly 'what's wrong with you?'
well i'll damn tell you !!
disclaimer-not-really for new people urm . i am deathly ill in the mind region.
selfship [extremely loud incorrect buzzer], fictosexuality [slightly quieter confused buzzer], waifuism [unsure buzzer],
whatever you wanna call it.
i have urges to make everything around me childe-themed if that wasn't obvious, so that's why you're being subjected to this. enjoy.
HEY !! use my button to link me & taint your site with genshin impact, if you so wish B]