

18.06.24 : upgraded to supporter and started working on v3 jfndjnf

17.06.24 : uhhh haven't done an edit update for a while obviously. in my defence i was on holiday. i did add some stuff to the waifu.ist today though. i wanna remake this site LOL

31.05.24 : updated edit o' the week over a week late. also from my phone. hey

19.05.24 : updated tune of the minute, good song

16.05.24 : edit again. mleh

10.05.24 : updated edit o' the week a few days late and used an old one that kinda sucks but i like the one bit so

08.05.24 : updated the waifu.ist to vfucking3 . guhhhh

05.05.24 : updated tune of the minute, deleted new version of ajaxpage cos i didnt like it djfnf

01.05.24 : happy may !! updated edit o' the week B]

30.04.24 : YAYAYAYAYAYAYY AJAX JQUERY EYYHSYHAHYAYYAYAYAYHEYFYSHHWYYAYEE [english translation : i made the tooltips cool]

27.04.24 : finally got rid of broken last.fm widget >/3, also puked & added an about page to the waifu.ist last night. added shitty home links to most pages so i don't have to make them open in new tabs

25.04.24 : updated edit o' the week a day late sorry boys

22.04.24 : updated waifu.ist a little more, then watched a film and made a journal entry about it :]

21.04.24 : updated waifu.ist page and i'm saying that here cos it's like an extension of this to me

19.04.24 : planned to leave edit o' the week cos i adore the last one so much but then i remembered the new one so

16.04.24 : reformatted ajaxpage for v2 [still a wip], took ages to make the jukebox work again and then realised i forgot to import the script

15.04.24 : journal entry again

09.04.24 : another journal entry..a little sicky in the head i fear ! changed edit o' the week one day early bcos i adore it so much

08.04.24 : just a journal entry today

05.04.24 : lowered opacity of the scanlines cos they were making me nauseous, made on-site nav a tad wider, added wip about me page

04.04.24 : added a few quiz results to main div

03.04.24 : updated edit o' the week [surprisingly], added last.fm link cos i can't fix the widget without supporter. holding out though. also added journal page & separated nav windows into on-site and off-site

02.04.24 : nothing yesterday cos i was too busy settling into the r/waifuism discord... stopped lorem ipsum-ing it up in the main window

31.03.24 : swapped over to v2 & broke everything, added somewhat useless[currently] sitemap & this updates page


29.03.24 : added onclick randomisation to ajaxpage icon, starting v2 of index

28.03.24 : working on comms page :3

27.01.24 : added edit o' the week !! [will not be updated weekly...]

25.03.24 : changed up fanart on ajaxpage, nabbed myself a waifu.ist url

21.03.24 : becoming best friends with margins and display:block

19.03.24 : updated ajaxpage css

10.03.24 : added jam's button [temporarily]

05.03.24 : the bitch is back! updated merch list on ajaxpage >3

24.01.24 : reformatted homepage, working on about me B]

22.01.24 : tartag page constructed !!

18.01.24 : constructing the tartag page...

12.01.24 : birth of the neocity......